Suburbansurvival Blog
Survivalism & Disaster Preparedness
Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…

My Guerrilla Berkey Water Filter Project in 20 Minutes or Less
As far as I am concerned, this project has been well overdue. Especially in the wakes of both hurricanes Irene and Sandy. With hurricane season just barely upon us, and the loss of power, etc. last year, I thought it was time to prepare a bit for what might be to…
Are Pre-2011 Nickels Worth the Hedge?
It has been argued by those in the prepper and survival community that because nickels (pre-2011ish) contain 75% copper and 25 % nickel will appreciate with inflation and/or precious metals. It’s been said that the price of the nickel will go up in a post economic…
Summer’s Here, Work, Future Plans, and Prepping
Well, summer is officially upon us. When it came it came with heat and humidity. With that there are supposed to be severe thunder storms all week here in NJ. I’m getting used to the rain, and am going to start calling New Jersey, “New Seattle” shortly. Heck, I’ve…
Quick Review of the Gerber Bear Grylls Knife Sharpener
New Jersey Preparedness and Alternative Energy Show — April 20th, in Woodbury, NJ
I just got off the phone with Steve Schanne over at Off Grid Warehouse, a NJ based provider of preparedness gear and supplies. Steve has been promoting a FREE, Yes FREE Alternative Energy and Preparedness Expo. The Expo is being held in Woodbury, NJ on April 20th,…
Homemade Electrolyte Replacements (Homemade Gatorade)
My girlfriend’s dog has been sick the past couple of days. Dehydrated, lethargic, etc. This got me thinking when I was doing several searches online for how to adequately keep him hydrated. By doing several Google searches I found a LOT of information on sick…
Swiss Army Knives. The Almost Forgotten Survival Tool, by Me.…
I almost forgot about them. I did. I had a couple of them as a kid, that sadly were misplaced. I’m talking about the Swiss Army Knife. With multi-tools being so popular for various reasons I literally have not given the Swiss Army Knife a look in several years. I…
Hedging Economic Bets, Why I Buy Junk Silver and Silver Rounds
As I can afford to do it, I have been buying silver. Mostly silver rounds. I have a small stash of silver rounds primarily in hopes of hedging my bets against economic downturn or to hopefully capitalize on rising prices at some juncture, assuming they go above the…
Review of the Peak 1,200W Mobile Power Outlet/Inverter for My Bug Out Vehicle
I recently purchased a Bug Out Vehicle. Admittedly it is a 1990 Jeep YJ/Wrangler. It was clearly the base model. However, it has a lift kit, bigger tires, and a few amenities you might want in a bug out vehicle. But one thing it lacked was the proverbial cigarette…