by ST | Jan 31, 2012 | Civil Unrest, Guest Posts, Levels of Awareness, Preparedness, Psychology, Self Reliance
(Note: This article is both a stand-alone piece as well as a response to the article “Who would you bug out with?” that appeared recently on this site.) ”If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if not now, when?” – Rabbi Hillel (Jewish scholar &... Read more
by ST | Dec 20, 2011 | General, Guest Posts, Preparedness, Self Reliance
Reality check: Some people are just more prepared for events of life than others. “Events” can be anything from a personal emergency to an unexpected home expense to a family emergency to a natural disaster to something good like a great job or... Read more
by ST | Dec 13, 2011 | Gardening, Guest Posts, Preparedness, Prepping, Self Reliance, Urban Survival
2011 was a pretty good year farming wise at home. For an urban (I do consider myself urban) backyard container farm we did pretty good. And more importantly, we learned a lot to apply for next year. Starting out we added several new containers to our... Read more
by suburban | Nov 23, 2011 | Preparedness, Prepping, Self Reliance
My kids will tell you if it is not on sale and we do not have a coupon we do not need it. Having this mentality will help you to save money and build your stockpile of life sustaining goods. I am sure by now many of us have seen shows on television with... Read more
by ST | Oct 4, 2011 | Barter, Food, General, Guest Posts, Money, Preparedness, Self Reliance, Survivalism
There is an old children’s story about someone who asks “Who will help me make my bread?” No one helps. No one helps plant the wheat, harvest the wheat, mill the wheat, make the dough, or bake it. But at the end when it is asked who will help eat the bread... Read more