by suburban | Sep 9, 2010 | General, Guns & Weapons, Personal, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Okay, the truth is I commented on a post over at SHTF Plan, on his post “When is it Okay to Defend Your Life and Your Family?” Intellectually you might think, any time someone I don’t want on my property is there, or anytime someone threatens my... Read more
by suburban | Sep 2, 2010 | Gear, General, Guns & Weapons, Personal, suburban survival, Urban Survival
I just purchased myself a Kel-Tec PF‑9. I’m replacing a Bersa Thunder .380 as a C.C. weapon, and I have been salivating over this gun since I saw the below review by Nutnfancy on YouTube. Nutnfancy has a great review process that will walk you... Read more
by suburban | Aug 7, 2010 | Guns & Weapons, Preparedness
Well, just walked through the door from my flight home from Los Angeles. Flipping through some mail from the week, and what do I see but a letter from the state of Utah. Opened it up and my non-resident, concealed firearms permit was in there with a... Read more
by suburban | Jul 23, 2010 | Guns & Weapons, Hunting
I actually have two of these. One completely stock and the other has an AR stock on it which I am going to change out with a few 20 round magazines. Both I bought off of 7.62 x 39 is a great round. Good for... Read more
by suburban | Jul 8, 2010 | Guns & Weapons
So, I am a huge fan of the .22 long rifle. It’s a classic rifle that most every kid cuts their teeth on learning how to shoot. I earned many NRA marksmanship awards after learning how to shoot at summer camp when I was a kid. If I remember, I... Read more