I just pur­chased myself a Kel-Tec PF‑9.  I’m replac­ing a Bersa Thun­der .380 as a C.C. weapon, and I have been sali­vat­ing over this gun since I saw the below review by Nut­n­fan­cy on YouTube.  Nut­n­fan­cy has a great review process that will walk you through the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages of just about any weapon you are look­ing to pro­cure.  High­ly rec­om­mend his YouTube Chan­nel.

This was a hard gun to find.  First, they are very pop­u­lar.  Sec­ond, they are very inex­pen­sive, by com­par­i­son to their cousins of the same size and cal­iber.  Third, it is the right weight, size, and thick­ness for con­cealed car­ry, and it seems to be for a lot of oth­ers as well. Four, it helps me to stan­dard­ize on ammu­ni­tion, as now I have two 9mm Luger guns.  I will prob­a­bly sell my Bersa Thun­der so that I do not have an “extra” gun lay­ing around, or maybe I should keep it as an emer­gency back­up…

See the com­pre­hen­sive reviews below to learn more about this pop­u­lar gun for con­cealed car­ry and self defense.

I’ll post more on it after I take it to the range myself.  My review won’t be quite as com­pre­hen­sive as Nut­n­fan­cy’s but I’ll let you know what I per­son­al­ly think of it.  Until then…

Kel-Tec PF‑9: “Dai­ly Car­ry Hand­gun” Pt 1 by Nut­n­fan­cy

Kel-Tec PF‑9: “Daily Carry Handgun” Pt 2 by Nutnfancy

Kel-Tec PF‑9: Shooting Impressions