Never forget September 11!This 9/11 marks not just anoth­er pass­ing year but an anniver­sary. It’s been 10 years since that fate­ful day in 2001. I was work­ing in low­er Man­hat­tan off Wall Street at that time. The whole thing unfold­ed before my eyes. But this day isn’t about me. It’s about three things:

One – The 3,000 Amer­i­can civil­ians mur­dered on that day as they just went about liv­ing their dai­ly lives. The moth­ers and fathers, sis­ters and broth­ers, and chil­dren of old­er par­ents all just liv­ing their lives. Total defense­less. Even the Japan­ese on Decem­ber 7th 1941 had the decen­cy to attack a pri­mar­i­ly mil­i­tary tar­get with at least the capa­bil­i­ty of defense.

Two – Ref­or­ma­tion of the unde­ni­able fact that there is evil in the world and that are evil peo­ple in the world. There are peo­ple who don’t real­ly have a spe­cif­ic goal, a spe­cif­ic des­ti­na­tion they want to attain in their actions. That kind of per­son at least has a chance to dis­cuss issues with. But instead, as Michael Caine’s char­ac­ter of Alfred said in Bat­man: Dark Knight quote

 “Some men can’t be  rea­soned with, can’t be bought. They just want to see the world burn.”

And sim­i­lar­ly, a ref­or­ma­tion of the unde­ni­able fact that peo­ple like this are com­ing for us– you, your fam­i­ly, your chil­dren, your friends, your co-work­ers, your favorite TV and sports stars, et al. — as Amer­i­cans just because we are Amer­i­cans!

Some may actu­al­ly believe their God wants them to kill us and will be reward­ed for this. That’s hard to defeat with words.

Some may just want to kill and cause may­hem. Too much can­dy as kids?

But what­ev­er the rea­sons this aspect of real­i­ty sim­ply can not be glossed over with a white-wash of Polit­i­cal Cor­rect­ness.

Three – Com­mit­ment to nev­er ever for­get! Almost imme­di­ate­ly after 9/11 peo­ple began to push that day out of their minds. I’m not just refer­ring to the his­to­ry revi­sion­ists and the PC crowd. Quite a few Aver­age Joe’s seemed to for­got very quick­ly. It may be human nature, the pref­er­ence of the human mind, not to want to recall unpleas­ant mem­o­ries. But when these mem­o­ries embody all the above and are still very real threats to these very same peo­ple who choose to for­get that just isn’t sane.

As prep­pers let us hon­or their mem­o­ries by re-affirm­ing our com­mit­ment to be vig­i­lant in our prepa­ra­tions, aware of our sur­round­ings and world event, and brave enough to take the nec­es­sary actions as sur­re­al as it may seem if it should come to that point.

There isn’t any­thing more to add on this solemn anniver­sary.

I leave you with these videos as thought and hon­or­able remem­brance:

“Lit­tle Did She Know” by Kristy Jack­son


“Amer­i­can Sol­dier” by Toby Kei­th


“Cour­tesy Of The Red, White, and Blue” by Toby Kei­th




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