As a knife fan, I real­ly look for­ward see­ing and hear­ing reviews about knives and how they work in the field.  I hate to make a mis­take when buy­ing a knife.  Once you have bought and used it, you own it for life, unless you can unload it on some­one for a few dol­lars if you do not like it.  Recent­ly Field and Stream did a review of two new Bear Grylls items that recent­ly emerged on the mar­ket.  I have been look­ing for a review of the Bear Grylls sur­vival knife.  At first glance, it seems the knife is well equip with a steel butt for ham­mer­ing, dia­mond sharp­en­ing stone, fire steel, emer­gency whis­tle, etc.  Take a look at the review for your­self.  It may be worth get­ting your hands on one of these if you do not mind a blade that also has the ser­rat­ed edge on it.  Read the review to learn more, there are 19 mini pages in all, and it is a quick read with a lot of good infor­ma­tion:

Check out the review here:

In all this was an objec­tive review, and it looks like this real­ly is a good knife with a few acces­sories that could help in a sur­vival sit­u­a­tion.  For those of you look­ing for a price, it is about $60.00 on, and does not real­ly seem over priced for what it is.  In all, I don’t think it is a bad deal all around.

Oh, and as a lit­tle added bonus, it comes with a fold up pam­phlet of emer­gency pro­ce­dures for com­mon emer­gency sit­u­a­tions.  I thought that was worth men­tion­ing as well…

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