My Get Home Bag Was Stolen

Well, eight days on the road for work, a week­end of a R&R with friends, and I am exhaust­ed.  I just got home, but by the time you read this, it will be 12+ hours lat­er. By the time the plane land­ed at Newark Air­port this evening I just want­ed to be... Read more

Saturday Videos

Ger­ber Prodi­gy Sur­vival Knife Review Eco­nom­ic Col­lapse Prepa­ra­tion: Train­ing Sons for Sub­ur­ban / Urban Hunt­ing Tarp Tent Video Moment Per­son­al Hygiene Kits Win­ter Vehi­cle Prep 1... Read more
My “Electronic” Survival Library

My “Electronic” Survival Library

NOTE:  I am Updat­ing this post and the updat­ed data/files can be found here:  http://www.suburbansurvivalblog/updated-survival-library/ My Web Host is ask­ing I change where my doc­u­ments are host­ed, and am mov­ing them to anoth­er doc­u­ment host­ing... Read more