First, sor­ry there was no post yes­ter­day.  I was busy in the city with clients and I was just men­tal­ly exhaust­ed when I returned, thus I could not focus on writ­ing.  Look out next week, how­ev­er for a post on Apart­ment Prep­ping, and what I real­ly think of it.  It is some­thing that I have been gelling in my head over the past week, and I plan on out­lin­ing every­thing from stor­age issues, secu­ri­ty con­cerns, and more.  But for now, here are Sat­ur­day’s videos:

Solar Cooker, Sun Oven, a Quick Look

Cold Steel Gurkha Kukri: “Woods Battle Axe” by Nutnfancy

Thoughts on Hunting Post SHTF

Mora Knife Sheath (I want this one)

Making Winter Camp Part 1 (Dave Canterbury, Wilderness Outfitter’s)

Making Winter Camp Part 2 (Dave Canterbury, Wilderness Outfitter’s)