Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog
Hyperinflation and Empty Store Shelves Coming To America?

Simple Inexpensive Lighting When There Is No Power
Survival Cooking With Aluminum Foil
I always carry aluminum foil. In fact, in my Altoids kit there are two square feet of aluminum foil. I carry it because if I need a makeshift bowl or need to cook something I have what I need to do the job, and can possibly reuse it if I had to. I only carry enough…
Urban and Suburban Survival — Handling Dead Bodies in a SHTF
Well, this is a topic that many don’t even want to discuss… However, if there is a major breakdown in society or a huge major disaster, man made or not, could be a reality in an urban or suburban situation. Handling dead bodies is something that I have thought…
DIY — Old Fashioned Torch for Light
Please note that they are relatively unstable and should not be used for anything other than emergency or novelty purposes. I.E. I do not suggest using these to be part of some sort of dungeon themed room since they would probably light your house on fire. **Be…
The Police Are Not Responding to 44 Different Crimes.
This is just crazy. Protect and Serve. That is the police motto, almost all over the world. Admittedly, much of my family is in law enforcement; federal, state, and local. I have friends that are federal, state, and local law enforcement as well. I have the utmost…
Worth Watching — Docudrama on Pandemics
This is a docudrama I came across that I believe could be a realistic situation and could create a bug in situation for families to try to keep from contracting a disease.

Independence Day Weekend at the Camp Site
Well, last weekend was a good one. Not only because I celebrated Independence Day, it was also my Mother’s birthday (she turned 65), but I was able to get out and do a little camping too. It was a hot and long one as well… It was more of a maintenance weekend…