I always car­ry alu­minum foil.  In fact, in my Altoids kit there are two square feet of alu­minum foil.  I car­ry it because if I need a makeshift bowl or need to cook some­thing I have what I need to do the job, and can pos­si­bly reuse it if I had to.  I only car­ry enough because the sit­u­a­tion I may be in is with luck, only tem­po­rary.  But it will allow me to boil water in a pinch up to cook meat, fish, veg­eta­bles, chick­en, etc.  You can put it in the coals, or you can cook it on a grill.  It is a great resource to have in a pinch.  I want­ed to share a list of resources for cook­ing with alu­minum foil, so that if you find your­self in a pinch, camp­ing, or in a real sur­vival sit­u­a­tion, you can cook your­self a meal and psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly and phys­i­cal­ly reju­ve­nate your­self.

Please see the fol­low­ing resources:

Use these as a guide­line to test­ing your own recipes in hot coals or on the grill… I know I am going to try and per­fect a few recipes so that I can have a tasty meal in the woods.

Think about this for a moment.  The pow­er goes out in the sum­mer, and your air con­di­tion­ing is not work­ing, the stove stops work­ing and you have no way to cook din­ner.  But out­side in the back yard you have a grill and one of those round fire pits in the back yard.  Hmmm… Sounds like a per­fect way to make din­ner to me.