Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

The Official Warning from Department of Homeland Security, 6 Months or More Without Critical Utilities

The Official Warning from Department of Homeland Security, 6 Months or More Without Critical Utilities

Well, it’s final­ly hap­pened, and you’ve prob­a­bly already heard about it…  The Unit­ed States Gov­ern­ment has offi­cial­ly, on paper, to the pub­lic said that our elec­tri­cal grid, water sup­ply, gas sup­ply, and much more are in dire jeop­ardy of fail­ing if our…

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The Winter EMP Theory

Well, win­ter is com­ing to the north­east­ern US.  It’s get­ting cold­er here in NJ and any day the tem­per­a­ture could go down to below freez­ing, stay there for the next few months and pile us up with snow and ice.  I’m think­ing about this because I was just on Face­book in…

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Jade Helm: Another Perspective

Jade Helm: Another Perspective

By now if you’re a prep­per (and even if not) you pret­ty much have to been liv­ing in a cave or under a rock not to have at least heard of Jade Helm. But for the ben­e­fit of any­one read­ing this who hasn’t very briefly Jade Helm is a very large scale mil­i­tary exer­cise…

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