Over the years, I am sur­prised I haven’t writ­ten about this.  I saw the ques­tion posed else­where and thought I would take a few min­utes to write about it…  Count­less oth­er blogs have talked about this, but this is real­ly the first time I am sit­ting down to think or write about it…
The Ramen Noo­dle ques­tion is one of those prep­per age-old ques­tions… Do I put it in my preps or not?  Every­one has an opin­ion on the food they store… So bear with mine…
After years of prep­ping, I just start­ed adding Ramen Noo­dles to my preps, just like I’ve start­ed adding Kraft Mac­a­roni and Cheese.  First­ly, because Sub­ur­ban has a three-year-old that can­not live with­out Kraft Mac & Cheese. Sec­ond­ly, once upon a time when I was at my finan­cial low point in life, I would buy Ramen Noo­dles, chick­en bul­lion cubes, frozen veg­eta­bles such as mixed peas, corn, car­rots, beans, etc, and eggs. and this would be part of lunch. I would dis­card the sodium/chicken pack­et that came with it and throw in a bouil­lon cube or two when cook­ing… Less sodi­um and more of chick­en soup fla­vor. I’d also crack an egg in the fin­ished hot pot of water, noo­dles, and veg­eta­bles to ensure there was a lit­tle pro­tein, and stir so the egg whites & yolk cooked in the water as I stirred. So, with that, I had carbs, pro­tein, veg­eta­bles, fla­vor, and water in one meal.
It did­n’t taste like the best meal I had ever had, but it filled the hole, filled me up, and gave me what I need­ed to keep going through­out my day…
Today I dehy­drate those veg­eta­bles and store them in sealed mylar with o2 absorbers, and drop the mylar bag into a 5‑gallon plas­tic buck­et. I know some of the nutri­tion­al val­ue is shot through dehy­dra­tion, but it would be very easy to throw veg­eta­bles into the boil­ing water with the ramen, with some chick­en, beef, port, an egg, etc. to get a bet­ter-bal­anced meal.
The oth­er side to this is that if you’re on the go, camp­ing, hik­ing, bug­ging out on foot, or in your BOL, it’s a light­weight, fast cook­ing way to fill your bel­ly, just like car­ry­ing some ban­nock mix in a plas­tic sand­wich bag.
Where to get Ramen Noo­dles?  Just about any gro­cery store, Dol­lar Store, Wal­mart, Tar­get, Ama­zon, Cost­co, BJ’s, etc.  They’re his­tor­i­cal­ly not expen­sive.  How­ev­er, I will tell you they dis­ap­peared like toi­let paper when the first shut­down and pan­dem­ic was announced.  You could­n’t find them any­where.  I see them back in stock at our Cost­co and local gro­cery chain and just start­ed pick­ing up a bulk pack or two for preps.
They will have to be trans­ferred to five-gal­lon mylar stor­age bags and then into stor­age bins to keep the humid­i­ty from get­ting to them.  I am pret­ty sure I can get a cou­ple of large pack­ages per bin, add bul­lion cubes to the con­tain­er, and a hand­ful of dehy­drat­ed pack­ages of veg­eta­bles, and maybe a #10 can of pow­dered eggs, to com­plete the meal pack­age.   Label it, and put it on the shelf…
Let me know what you think about Ramen in your preps.
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