Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Prepping For Your Car
Let’s see… We buy food. We buy gear. We buy guns. We buy ammunition. We grow gardens. We can food. We talk about Bug Out Locations. We talk about Bugging In. We talk about a lot of things, but as I was driving home from work this evening, I had a couple of…
Different Story, Different Result
I noted previously that a lady survived 49 days in the wilderness of Nevada. Today, I read a story of a man who was trapped in Oregon and died after approximately 60 days. McDonald, 68, liked to camp. While he didn’t have a lot of food, he had gallon jugs of water, a…
Saturday Videos
Replace Your Batteries
I started this last night, but was so tired, I just couldn’t finish it… Batteries: This is a simple one, right? Everyone thinks so. Heck, I think so. I sort of pride myself on keeping on top of things even if I let them slip. Well, I let them slip. It was my…
Survival 49 Days
On Monday, I read this incredible story of a woman surviving in the Nevada wilderness: For 49 days, Rita Chretien waited for a miracle. Her husband had ventured off to get help three days after their minivan got stranded off-road in the cold, untamed Nevada…
EDC Bag Reconfiguration

Reality check — Part 1: Farming/Growing Your Own Food
Every survival/prepping website and book has some section on growing your own food during a SHTF event. There are ads for seed companies showing a person pushing a shopping cart down isles of empty supermarket shelves and the caption reads something like “How are you…
All Prepping, All the Time
Bartertown, U.S.A.
Barter – To trade by exchange of commodities rather than by the use of money. (Source: Dictionary.com. Source location: Random House, inc.) Much has been written about the use of barter in a post SHTF/TEOTWAWKI. event. Even in “merely” a post-financial collapse/SHTF…