Introducing Guest Blogger “Prepper Jim”

Introducing Guest Blogger “Prepper Jim”

Please wel­come Prep­per Jim as a guest blog­ger… He will be pro­vid­ing some great infor­ma­tion from time to time, and I look for­ward to his posts here… So with­out fur­ther hes­i­ta­tion, please let me intro­duce, “Prep­per Jim.” Hi every­one. Please allow me to... Read more

Grab Paper

A post by a guest author who would like to remain anony­mous Arti­cles and videos abound that dis­cuss grab bags (aka “bug out bags”) for a SHTF event. Each varies some­what for con­tent but in gen­er­al they all men­tion tak­ing sup­plies of food, water,... Read more

Duct Tape as a Survival Tool

Sigh, So here I was, about to write a post about some or many of the uses of Duct Tape in a sur­vival sit­u­a­tion.  Just before I sat down to write this post, I did a last minute search for Duct Tape and Sur­vival…  I should not have been sur­prised when I... Read more