Protection From Looters

It’s an unfor­tu­nate real­i­ty that there will be loot­ers any kind of major emer­gency. What they’re after may change with the sever­i­ty and type of emer­gency, but their inten­tions are the same uni­ver­sal­ly. To take advan­tage of the chaos in order to take... Read more
Was “Doomsday Preppers” Necessary?

Was “Doomsday Preppers” Necessary?

I watched it.  I saved them on my DVR, and watched them.  You watched them.  We watched them.  We cri­tiqued each prep­per based on what we have and know.  Admit it.  You secret­ly did.  I know I did.  As the sce­nario was laid... Read more