How Stocked Should a Bug Out Location Be If You Have to Bug Out?

How Stocked Should a Bug Out Location Be If You Have to Bug Out?

This is a thought that hit me this week­end as I was surf­ing the Web for sur­vival top­ics so I could learn some­thing new.  I was look­ing up Bug Out Loca­tions, and it hit me that, we (I) dis­cuss prep­ping your pri­ma­ry home with preps pri­mar­i­ly for... Read more

Holes In My Preps

I have been tak­ing inven­to­ry late­ly of my preps late­ly.  Every­thing from ammu­ni­tion, water, food, med­ical sup­plies, etc.  I am find­ing I have some issues in each area that need to be reme­died.  How­ev­er, if you have read through my blog... Read more