Who Would You Bug Out With?

A ques­tion on one of the boards I am on popped up, and I respond­ed, which I rarely do these days.  I’ve been kind of burned out of writ­ing and been focus­ing on build­ing more preps, los­ing some of my flab and get­ting into bet­ter shape, etc.…... Read more

Saturday Videos

Occu­py? — Urban Sur­vival The 5 Dol­lar Mul­ti Use Per­son­al Space Stove The Role of Antibi­otics in SHTF Stor­age A video for new Prep­pers Inex­pen­sive Preps for Those Just Start­ing Out Eco­nom­ic Col­lapse — Why It Won’t Be Stopped Will Hunt­ing had it right 14... Read more

Saturday Videos

This week, I looked for more thought pro­vok­ing videos than the stan­dard stuff from week to week… As prep­pers in the burbs of a city, I think we all for­get where stuff real­ly comes from, and some of these videos address this.  If you are think­ing about a... Read more