I just read a blog post on Doctor Prepper this morning ab0ut healthier eating. I try to eat healthy, but if you saw me eat on a business trip, you might think I was addicted to steaks or a junk food junkie. Sad but true. I can say that I probably gain a couple of pounds on an average week long business trip. Entertaining and client dinners are never usually healthy, because they are a “treat” for the client. For me, however, they are a standard by which I am learning to despise because of their size, calorie count, and overall affect on my health. Hence my recent commitment to the gym, again, as well as trying to eat better at home. Smaller portions, better foods, etc.
Doctor Prepper, James Talmage, author of “Making the Best of Basics” wrote the following post on the “Seven Steps to Healthy Eating,” that I thought I would share with you.
If you didn’t click on the link above, you can get it here:
I’ve made a commitment to eating better, but man it is hard. There are so many food distractions around us that we have to deal with whether it is in the grocery store or driving down the street. While I complained above about calories, I love a good steak. I could eat it every day, if I let myself. But I cannot do that. It is not good for you. I find myself at the grocery store debating over some foods, but always, always fill up my cart with more vegetables than I think I can eat, but seem to devour these days.