by suburban | Oct 13, 2010 | Bug Out, EDC, Gear, Improvised Gear, Preparedness, suburban survival, Survival Gear, Survivalism, Urban Survival
So, this morning when I woke up, I decided to write a post about what if the SHTF while I was traveling for work, and all I had time to do is grab gear from out of the hotel room and get the heck out of Dodge on foot. I did a quick survey of the room, and... Read more
by suburban | Oct 8, 2010 | Bug Out, But Out Bag, Gear, Shelter, suburban survival, Urban Survival
As I start to prepare my gear for my Bug Out Weekend, and I re-evaluate what is in my Bug Out Bag, I may be looking to replace or eliminate some gear if I think it is redundant. This is the first time I am really taking a “harder” look at my Bug Out... Read more
by suburban | Oct 7, 2010 | Cooking, Hunting, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Okay, I was in the car for about four hours today… I had some time to think… My mind started to wander, and the gears were spinning. I asked myself, if the S#!t has hit the fan while I was in Philadelphia, and I knew no one. If food supplies are low... Read more
by suburban | Oct 5, 2010 | Bug Out, Bug Out Location, But Out Bag, suburban survival, Urban Survival
I joined, not too long ago, a preparedness meetup group in Northern NJ. There seem to be only a few of us that are regulars and show up once a month to the meeting. There are various other members of the group that may make it depending on their... Read more
by suburban | Oct 4, 2010 | Food, Gardening, suburban survival, Urban Survival
I have plans. I always have plans. But one of my plans this fall is to build a raised garden box the size of a table I have on the deck of my apartment. It is worthy investment, assuming I am going to stay in this spot for the next couple of... Read more
by suburban | Sep 30, 2010 | Clothing, DIY, suburban survival, Urban Survival
NOTE: I found this post here, and thought it interesting enough as a DIY project you can file in the back of your head or put on your USB drive to carry around with you: This seems sort of odd…but in a post disaster world that may not get back to... Read more