The Importance of Being Prepared

The Importance of Being Prepared

There is more snow com­ing this week­end.  Accord­ing to how the weath­er looks there might be quite a bit of snow over the next cou­ple of weeks.  Snow does not make me hap­py.  Espe­cial­ly now because the towns around me have NOT cleaned up the snow... Read more
Prepping For A Personal SHTF

Prepping For A Personal SHTF

Today I want to take the time to talk a lit­tle about some­thing I have not.  The title says it all, I think, with the excep­tion of defin­ing what a “Per­son­al SHTF” is because, well, it’s per­son­al.  In today’s econ­o­my, I think that most peo­ple might... Read more