by suburban | Feb 10, 2012 | Bug In, Food, Preparedness, Prepping, Self Reliance
I like breakfast for dinner. I do. I have James Bond’s fetish for scrambled eggs. Give me scrambled eggs, an omelet, or frittata any day of the week and I am a happy guy. So, tonight, we make breakfast for dinner. I have... Read more
by suburban | Oct 31, 2011 | Bug In, Bug Out, Bug Out Location, Cooking, Guns & Weapons, Personal, Preparedness, Prepping, Self Reliance, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Last week, I had dinner with three other preppers. One was new, and the two others I have been in touch with for some time. We all live in Northern NJ, and are concerned with the economy, job growth, Bugging In, Bugging Out, etc. The... Read more
by suburban | Oct 5, 2011 | Bug In, Bug Out, Preparedness, suburban survival, Survivalism, Urban Survival
This generous post was contributed by Cameron Green, of Green Academy of Personal Protection. Cam has contributed several other posts, and I continue to value his help and contributions. Please visit his Website at GAPPNJ if you live... Read more
by suburban | Sep 8, 2011 | Bug In, Bug Out, Food, Personal, Preparedness, Self Reliance, suburban survival, Urban Survival
We talk an awful lot about how to rotate your canned, jarred, and other preps for freshness. We also talk a lot about storage, how to store, what to store, etc. Yesterday, I undertook a small job of repacking some of my “basic” preps. What are... Read more
by ST | Sep 1, 2011 | Bug In, General, Guest Posts, Levels of Awareness, Preparedness, Self Reliance, suburban survival, Urban Survival
The storm has come and gone. Your experiences all depends on where you were at the time. Some places by me got hit hard (and are still without power as I write this). Others like my immediate area got away pretty cleanly (unless you were right on a canal).... Read more
by suburban | Aug 31, 2011 | Bug In, Preparedness, suburban survival, Urban Survival, Weather
Admittedly, I missed the “center” of Hurricane Irene. Rather, I missed the heart of the storm. I made my way west to Pennsylvania, not to bug out, but to a good friends bachelor party. The upside is that I was going to be west of Irene. The... Read more