Bin Laden Dead, No Change in Prepper State

As I went to bed with­out check­ing the news, I guess I was one of the last peo­ple in the world to learn of the death of Osama Bin Laden. As some­one whose life-view was changed by 9/11, this is a momenteous event. Jus­tice was slow but, in the end, final. For... Read more

Mom, Dad, Prepping, and Politics

This week­end I admit­ted to my par­ents, who frankly, would think I was a bit of a wacko if I ful­ly admit­ted I was a prep­per.  I admit­ted to them that I had about three months worth of food in my apart­ment for any hard times ahead.  They both,... Read more

Steve Wynn on CNBC

Steve Wynn of the Wynn Casi­no in Las Vegas, NV talk­ing pol­i­tics and econ­o­my with CNBC.  I thought you might like to lis­ten in…  He is build­ing a casi­no in Chi­na, but hav­ing issues because there has been a work­er short­age.  This aired about... Read more