I sure don’t.  Won­der­ing what a “Con­sti­tu­tion Free Zone” is?  So was I until about an hour ago.

A Con­sti­tu­tion Free Zone is the area “with­in “100-miles of the US land and coastal bor­ders.” Air­ports are also in these zones, regard­less of their geo­graph­ic loca­tion. Accord­ing to 2007 fig­ures from the US Cen­sus Bureau, 197.4 mil­lion peo­ple, 2/3 of the Unit­ed States pop­u­la­tion, includ­ing the entire state of Flori­da, live with­in “Con­sti­tu­tion Free Zones.””

Here is an inter­ac­tive map of the ‘Con­sti­tu­tion Free Zone(s)”  http://www.aclu.org/constitution-free-zone-map

So, as it turns out, this area that is high­light­ed along the bor­der of the Unit­ed States,are sub­ject to search who just hap­pen to live with­in 100 miles with­in any domes­tic bor­der and who have done noth­ing wrong except want to trav­el to Cana­da or Europe for a vaca­tion, or hap­pen to live near the coasts. And this gov­ern­ment “right” to be scru­ti­niz­ing of us is com­plete­ly “jus­ti­fied?”  How many domes­tic ene­my’s of the state are there?  This does not bode well with me since I am also research­ing that the Depart­ment of Jus­tice Lists Sur­vival­ists, Con­sti­tu­tion­al­ists as Crim­i­nal Extrem­ists in thedoc­u­ment linked here

This is extreme­ly dis­con­cert­ing to me.  Very dis­con­cert­ing.  I don’t sup­pose I have to bring up any of the pri­va­cy issues this cre­ates.  I under­stand the Home­land Secu­ri­ty implication(s) to pro­tect against ter­ror­ism at the bor­der, but anoth­er broad­ly writ­ten bill/law means there is more there than meets the eye.

It also tells me a cou­ple of oth­er things.  It tells me that if look­ing for a retreat or Bug Out Loca­tion (check this post out at TheSurvivalistBlog.net, as this is what spurred this post) you should def­i­nite­ly look out­side this 100 mile “Con­sti­tu­tion Free Zone.”  This def­i­nite­ly changes the Bug Out Loca­tion I have (as a fam­i­ly home) and now may turn out to noth­ing more than a fall back loca­tion for ren­dezvous.  This is a seri­ous OPSEC issue that has to be addressed.

I hope this helps you think or rethink your Bug Out oper­a­tions, it has cer­tain­ly opened my eyes.