by suburban | Jan 17, 2014 | Guest Posts, Natural Disaster, Preparedness
There is no shortage of people that are happy to tell you their predictions about major disasters, or even the end of the world. Just check the headlines on any number of small blogs or the tabloids, and you will find at least a handful of people at any... Read more
by suburban | Dec 31, 2013 | Bug Out, Bug Out Location, Guest Posts, Preparedness
This is what hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people who own property in the New York Catskill mountain area were told in 2011. Local residents as well as state police turned legal property owners away from access to their land in the fall of that year. But... Read more
by ST | Jan 31, 2012 | Civil Unrest, Guest Posts, Levels of Awareness, Preparedness, Psychology, Self Reliance
(Note: This article is both a stand-alone piece as well as a response to the article “Who would you bug out with?” that appeared recently on this site.) ”If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if not now, when?” – Rabbi Hillel (Jewish scholar &... Read more
by ST | Jan 24, 2012 | General, Guest Posts, Money, Preparedness
In the first two parts of this series I discussed many of the misconceptions and blatant head-in-the-sand reasons people offer for not doing any estate planning and we discussed an overview use of a Will (Last Will & Testament). In the final part... Read more
by ST | Jan 17, 2012 | General, Guest Posts, Money, Preparedness
In the first part of this series it was pointed out many of the ridiculous and frankly lame excuses people often give for not preparing (“getting their affairs in order” as the old saying goes) for their ultimate demise. Regardless of a disaster, we are all... Read more
by ST | Jan 10, 2012 | General, Guest Posts, Money, Preparedness
Death and taxes. The two things the old joke says can’t be avoided (and these days I often think the order of those two should be reversed!). No matter how fit we are, how healthy a life style we live, no matter how great our healthcare is, it doesn’t matter.... Read more