My Survival and Outdoor iPhone Apps

My Survival and Outdoor iPhone Apps

When I bought my iPhone last year, I quick­ly real­ized it had the poten­tial to be a sur­vival tool  My search for iPhone apps under “camp­ing, hik­ing, and sur­vival” quick­ly returned many options for me.  I have tried a bunch of them, and am using the... Read more

Holes In My Preps

I have been tak­ing inven­to­ry late­ly of my preps late­ly.  Every­thing from ammu­ni­tion, water, food, med­ical sup­plies, etc.  I am find­ing I have some issues in each area that need to be reme­died.  How­ev­er, if you have read through my blog... Read more
Cool Portable Mailbox Wood Stove

Cool Portable Mailbox Wood Stove

So I caught this on this guy’s blog today and had to share.  It is great think­ing in a sit­u­a­tion where the SHTF and you would have to impro­vise.  This is some­thing you can build, and mod­i­fy for cook­ing or heat if you need to.  I am going to... Read more