Email / Form Issues

Hav­ing some Email and Form issues so I am not receiv­ing new emails from the site.  Moved to a new email provider and work­ing out the details…  Updates short­ly. Read more

Our Trip To Al-Qaeda Trailer

This looks inter­est­ing and I may watch this on HBO.  I try to keep my polit­i­cal rants to a min­i­mum, but  our war on ter­ror is some­thing I feel strong­ly about.  Check out the trail­er... Read more
Happy Labor Day Weekend Everyone…

Happy Labor Day Weekend Everyone…

Hope every­one has a good day off tomor­row, if you in fact, get the day off… Look out for a post this week about my week­end of camp­ing and smok­ing foods to pre­serve them.  I digress, though.  Have a great hol­i­day week­end. Read more