So, I am a huge fan of the .22 long rifle.  It’s a clas­sic rifle that most every kid cuts their teeth on learn­ing how to shoot.  I earned many NRA marks­man­ship awards after learn­ing how to shoot at sum­mer camp when I was a kid.  If I remem­ber, I earned the lev­el of “sharp­shoot­er.”  I post­ed about the Hen­ry AR‑7 ear­li­er today but decid­ed to take a gan­der at Google and find more infor­ma­tion about the .22.  Jack Spirko of The Sur­vival Pod­cast did a whole pod­cast about this rifle, and after lis­ten­ing to it again tonight, I just had to share it with every­one.  It is Pod­cast 88 so it was done a LONG time ago (at the rate at which Jack puts out Pod­casts… This is a great show, so I hope you enjoy it.

Here is the URL if you did not click on it above: