
Wel­come to one of the newest addi­tions and changes to the Sub­ur­ban Sur­vival Blog.  We’ve start­ed adding a Pod­cast as we con­tin­ue to ramp up new con­tent, as well as bring you new reviews, and more going for­ward.  While to many this may be a basic pod­cast, we’ve made our first attempt.  I don’t think we did too bad.

We’re going to try our best to bring you at least one episode a week, and we’re going to try to be as orig­i­nal as we can.  We know there are oth­er options out there for you, and we’re gear­ing our Pod­cast towards Sub­ur­ban and Urban dwellers.  Think those that live with­in 50 miles of a city or
Apart­ment Prep­pers.  We hope you enjoy this Pod­cast and upcom­ing Pod­casts as we get start­ed and ramp up.

From today’s dis­cus­sion about Basic Food Stor­age, we’ve got a few bul­let points around some of the prod­ucts dis­cussed in the Pod­cast.

Please feel free to com­ment and let us know what you think.  We’ll take all your con­struc­tive crit­i­cism in stride. We promise.  🙂

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