
Travel EDCThis week Cam and I talk about Trav­el EDC.  It’s a con­cept that is close to me because I do a lot of trav­el­ing for work.  For instance, while I’m not a fan of trav­el­ing for work, I’m trav­el­ing for three weeks out of four in the month of April.  It makes for long days and weeks, and a heavy back­pack.  But we’ll go through some of the items that make me a bit more com­fort­able when trav­el­ing and you can see them below in the show notes…

Sor­ry for the jin­gling in the ear­ly por­tion of the pod­cast.  Those are my dog’s tags on his col­lar.  Will be more mind­ful of this next time.

We also had a cou­ple of sound glitch­es as well, just as an FYI.


TSA Links

Trav­el EDC List:

  • Busi­ness Back­pack:  Fly­ing Cir­cle Bag Com­pa­ny — This pack has a great cen­ter of grav­i­ty and weight dis­tri­b­u­tion.  For it’s small size, it car­ry’s a sur­pris­ing amount of gear.  It has a few MOLLE straps on it, so if I need to I can pull the pouch out of it and strap it to the flap to make more room for gear inside the ruck.
  • Molle Pouch (and con­tents inside Back­pack)
  • Checked in my lug­gage (almost every trip with the excep­tion of some inter­na­tion­al trips)
    • Leather­man Wave Mul­ti­tool Qty One (1):  This is the new­er ver­sion of the one that I car­ry
    • Ontario RAT3 Full Tang Knife Qty One (1)
    • Lan­sky Knife Sharp­en­er Qty One (1) Spe­cial Note:  DO NOT check this in your car­ry on.  It has a ceram­ic sharpener/strop on it that looks like a blade and the rough sharp­en­er looks like an ice pick type of device on it.  YOU WILL BE STOPPED by TSA at the XRAY Machine and your pack WILL BE STRIP SEARCHED.  This has hap­pened to me numer­ous times.
    • Ker­shaw Onion oth­er assist­ed open knife that I have
  • NOTE:  New Addi­tions to Trav­el EDC as of April 4, 2015
    • iOSAT Potas­si­um Iodide Tablets — Call me para­noid, but with all the mid­dle east­ern issues going on this is just pre­ven­tive main­te­nance.
    • RAD­Stick­er — These are radi­a­tion stick­ers to tell you if you have been exposed.  See above.
    • Leather­man Style PS Mul­ti­tool — Pret­ty self explana­to­ry and TSA Approved.
    • Four Way Key — This is a less known tool that will allow you to open out­door hose faucets on com­mer­cial build­ings to get water if you need to.
  • Altoid Sur­vival Kit:  Note there is ‘some redun­dan­cy’ in the event, it is all I can car­ry.  This is also some­thing that I put togeth­er.  You will notice there is no pri­ma­ry fire source, as I always car­ry ‘at least’ two meth­ods of mak­ing fire.
    • Qty 1 — One quart ziploc plas­tic bag
    • Qty 2 — 4′ @ 45lb fish­ing leader that can dou­ble as a snare.
    • Qty 1 — But­ton com­pass
    • Qty 2 — One square foot of heavy duty alu­minum foil
    • Qty 3 — Zyrtec tablets for aller­gies
    • Qty 3 — Altoids for the com­fort can­dy affect
    • Qty 4 — 500mg Tylenol
    • Qty 1 — Alco­hol anti­sep­tic tow­el
    • Qty 1 — Bouil­lon cube
    • Qty 1 — Sudafed cold & flu tablet
    • Qty 1 — Salt & Pep­per pack­et
    • Qty 3 — Sewing nee­dle and sev­er­al feet of thread
    • Qty 1 — 25′ of waxed waxed string
    • Qty 3 — Safe­ty pins
    • Qty 8 — Iodine tablets for water purifi­ca­tion
    • Qty 1 — Imod­i­um tablet
    • Qty 1- Tea bag
    • Qty 1- Cot­ton ball
    • Qty 3 — Bandaid