Run, Or Stay And Fight?

The  yes­ter­day on Face­book I post­ed a pho­to of a lady hold­ing hand­gun. The cap­tion read; I would much rather explain to the police, why an intrud­er in my home has a hole in his chest, than to have them explain to my loved ones why I was raped and... Read more
Handgun CCW Drills

Handgun CCW Drills

This will prob­a­bly be a short one today, but I found this over the week­end, even though I reg­u­lar­ly fre­quent Web­site.  My bud­dy Doug and I rou­tine­ly dis­cuss guns.  What we’d like to buy, what we dis­like about cer­tain guns, brands,... Read more

Saturday Videos

Air­soft Train­ing with Cen­tral Axis Relock — CAR Sys­tem from Paul Cas­tle Can­teens (Urban Sur­vival) Anoth­er Way To Use a Dou­ble Pon­cho Tent, and a Swiss Vol­cano Stove PRACTICAL UNARMED COMBATIVES VOLUMES 1 & 2: Crit­i­cal Skills of Damithurt Silat... Read more