Many of you have no doubt seen this video in the past.  It is the one hour doc­u­men­tary that Les Stroud record­ed about buy­ing a piece of prop­er­ty and liv­ing off the grid poten­tial­ly sim­pli­fy­ing life.  That, how­ev­er is not the rea­son I am post­ing this video.  My friend Doug actu­al­ly gave me the idea that this video actu­al­ly rep­re­sents a good primer for those sub­ur­ban and urban sur­vival­ists look­ing to build redun­dan­cies into their exist­ing home, as well as look at this prop­er­ty and doc­u­men­tary as a bug out loca­tion.  So, take the 67 1/2 min­utes and please review this video, and apply what you are see­ing to a Bug Out Loca­tion or your exist­ing home.  Keep in mind as well, redun­dan­cies do not have to be very grandiose.  They can be scaled down ver­sions of what Les has done with solar pan­els, for exam­ple to allow you to keep items such as your liv­ing room lights run­ning and maybe your refrig­er­a­tor.

So with­out wast­ing any­more of your time, here is Les’s doc­u­men­tary:

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