As I write this, it is get­ting lat­er in the evening on July 4th.  I pur­pose­ful­ly stayed in this evening to watch a spe­cial on HBO called “Cit­i­zen U.S.A.: A 50 State Road Trip,” on HBO.  It is a spe­cial where the pro­duc­ers drove through all 50 states ask­ing ask­ing legal immi­grants why that came to the Unit­ed States.  I have to be hon­est, it is a touch­ing show.  Every­one inter­viewed are giv­ing such com­pelling rea­sons, human­i­tar­i­an rea­sons, gov­ern­men­tal rea­sons, but ulti­mate­ly, they all seem to have come here to be part of our coun­try for free­dom of choice and for free­dom of oppor­tu­ni­ty.  They all implied they want­ed to work hard and con­tribute.  To be good Amer­i­cans.

It was hum­bling watch­ing these lives start in the Unit­ed States.  It was hum­bling hear­ing some­one say that the Unit­ed States saved her life.  These are things that many Amer­i­cans take for grant­ed, I think.  Not every­one, but enough for me to think about it and type it.

I was par­tic­u­lar­ly moved by a Pak­istani man who explained how his life changed when he no longer felt he had to sleep with a gun under his pil­low, won­der what is hap­pen­ing out­side his win­dow, or won­der where water or food would come from next.  They have all tak­en the steps to become nat­u­ral­ized cit­i­zens.   Chil­dren and Adult alike.

The hour went by quick­ly, and I wish now that I had record­ed it so that I can go back and watch it again.

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