This will prob­a­bly be a short one today, but I found this over the week­end, even though I reg­u­lar­ly fre­quent Web­site.  My bud­dy Doug and I rou­tine­ly dis­cuss guns.  What we’d like to buy, what we dis­like about cer­tain guns, brands, etc.  The one thing that we rou­tine­ly end up dis­cussing are drills to make you a bet­ter shot on the fly or if you are in a sit­u­a­tion that you may need to think quick­ly on your feet.  I admit­ted­ly need more work in this area.  My per­son­al opin­ion is, so do most peo­ple.  

That said, I found an inter­est­ing nugget this week­end on quite by acci­dent.  It was a set of drills for those with a CCW, how­ev­er, I think after look­ing them over they might work for many in the field or on the range.  Take a look at what I found here:

There were more doc­u­ments that I found on their site, and I could prob­a­bly write for the next cou­ple of hours about sev­er­al more, but I will save that for addi­tion­al posts lat­er.  I thought this was great and want­ed to share…

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