I not­ed pre­vi­ous­ly that a lady sur­vived 49 days in the wilder­ness of Neva­da. Today, I read a sto­ry of a man who was trapped in Ore­gon and died after approx­i­mate­ly 60 days.

McDon­ald, 68, liked to camp. While he did­n’t have a lot of food, he had gal­lon jugs of water, a jack for his truck and chains on his tires. Mueller said the Ore­gon man did­n’t have a com­pass, a cell phone or a GPS device.

The sto­ry goes on to say he ran out of food approx­i­mate­ly a month into the ordeal. Hav­ing a month worth of food is real­ly quite good. But here is the kick­er:

It would lat­er sur­prise searchers that McDon­ald, just three miles (five kilo­me­ters) from the town of Mar­i­on Forks, made no attempt to get out and walk to town.

Had he known where he was, he could have walked out, even in win­ter weath­er. That was a fun­da­men­tal and fatal error. For some­one expe­ri­enced in out­door liv­ing to not have a map, com­pass, com­mu­ni­ca­tion device or GPS, that is just being unpre­pared. Or, being pre­pared to pos­si­bly die if luck turned against him. And the weath­er did turn against him and he paid the ulti­mate price for fail­ing to pre­pare.



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