It’s Sun­day morn­ing, or it was Sun­day morn­ing, I should say.  I was sit­ting at Star­bucks for the first time in a cou­ple of months, sip­ping on a cof­fee try­ing to read a book, when a cou­ple of old­er women sat down next to me, and start­ed yap­ping and gos­sip­ing, being, frankly loud and obnox­ious.  Very North­ern New Jer­sey sub­ur­bia, where peo­ple feel enti­tled to not give a crap about any­one else around them.  But, I digress…

While the women con­tin­ued flap­ping their gums annoy­ing the ever liv­ing hell out of me, forc­ing me to read the same para­graph over sev­en times, I decid­ed it was time to pack up and leave.  Feel­ing like I just wast­ed part of my morn­ing, out of the cor­ner of my eye, I caught the craft store “Michaels” sign.  I thought, I’m not going in there.  How­ev­er, then the ques­tion crossed my mind, “I won­der what kind of preps or last minute preps a place like this has, and would it be good to know if the SHTF?”  So with my back­pack on, and my iPhone in hand, I hit Michaels in search of some sub­ur­ban sur­vival preps that might make sense if I had to break a win­dow and get in there and get what I need­ed.  What I found, was inter­est­ing, and before you ask… Yes, it’s a place to prep, believe it or not if you want­ed to.  So here’s a list of what I found that might make sense:

  • Rib­bon for gifts and LOTS of it.  This stuff, if I remem­ber is nylon or poly­ester or some­thing like that and strong as hell… Rolls of it.  If I need­ed to I could make my own rope out of three or four spools of rib­bon that I could prob­a­bly swing from a tree with.
  • Can­dels, both the girlie scent­ed, and unscent­ed
  • Bas­kets, of var­i­ous sizes, both plas­tic and wick­er
  • Var­i­ous weights of paper, but as you know, a mul­ti­tude of uses
  • 3′ wood­en dow­els.  I thought this was an inter­est­ing one.  Good for light weapons, to hold stuff up, home­made arrows, fire, and prob­a­bly 50 uses I can­not think of at the moment.
  • Bags and box­es of Pop­si­cle sticks… All I can think of here is an end­less sup­ply of kin­dling.
  • Tools for work that require some dex­ter­i­ty such as:
    • Nee­dle nose pli­ers,
    • Shears,
    • Prun­ing scis­sors
    • Docs for cut­ting
    • Exac­to knives (great impromp­tu scalpel or small spear head)
  • Flo­ral wire, which looked per­fect for snares
  • Plas­tic emp­ty spray bot­tles
  • Bags of those lit­tle round glass stones for vas­es that looked like they would be a per­fect end­less sup­ply of ammu­ni­tion for my sling­shot.
  • 6′ Bam­boo rods for spears or walk­ing sticks
  • Clay pots for small plants that can be used for grow­ing veg­gies, herbs, or fash­ioned into one of those can­dle heaters (I will have to locate the plans for that online and post it when I find it)
  • Tin­der bun­dle mate­r­i­al in the form of:
    • Fake moss to go around your plants
    • Fake flow­ers
    • East­er bas­ket filler that was shred­ded paper
    • Straw Bales, clear­ly an Octo­ber Hal­loween Item, but there at this time of year that could be used for tin­der, bed­ding mate­r­i­al, tem­po­rary seat­ing, etc.
    • Craft Paint (Flam­ma­ble)
  • Tur­pen­tine (Uhm­mm, def­i­nite­ly com­bustible)
  • Sand Paper
  • Hot glue guns
  • Elmer’s Car­pen­ter Glue
  • Spray Polyurethane (again, flam­ma­ble)
  • Yarn (after some thought, I lump this in with rib­bon, because you can make a much stronger rope out of it if you make the cordage your­self…)
  • String of var­i­ous types
  • Rub­ber Cement adhe­sive
  • WD-40
  • Super Glue
  • What I found most inter­est­ing were the var­i­ous size bricks of can­dle wax and bees wax for can­dle mak­ing… I could prob­a­bly write a whole post about this one and the appli­ca­tions from mak­ing your own home­made fire starters to water­proof­ing stuff, but I will do that anoth­er time.  I would stock up on this stuff and the wicks list­ed below…
  • Can­dle Molds for the wax
  • Can­dle Wicks of var­i­ous sizes
  • Var­i­ous size mirrors (sig­nalling)
  • Bags of hard and soft can­dy.  Can’t for­get your car­bo­hy­drate and sug­ar ener­gy…

So this was it.  Every­one was look­ing at me weird walk­ing around mak­ing a list on my iPhone, but who cares.  I was sur­prised with what I found, and glad I could list it here for you.  Take the trip if you dare, guys, or just take my word for it…

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