Recent­ly, I picked up the book “When Tech­nol­o­gy Fails” although I have not start­ed read­ing it yet, I came across this video this morn­ing, and want­ed to share it with you.

Before I even start to read When Tech­nol­o­gy Fails, I was start­ing to pon­der, what might hap­pen if it were to fail.  I don’t think, no, I know I don’t have the nec­es­sary skills to sur­vive in a REAL long term TEOTWAWKI sit­u­a­tion.  Sev­er­al months ago some­one asked me (anoth­er prep­per) if I knew how to put a har­ness on a cow or horse to pull a plow? Well, the truth is I think I read about it once.  I real­ly don’t have the raw skills that even a farmer would ask, I think, mak­ing me non employ­able if I asked to be tak­en in for a meal in return for work.  Not that I hope that is ever the case, but I am clear­ly behind the prover­bial eight ball.

The guy in this video makes a pret­ty good case around how depen­dent we are on tech­nol­o­gy that runs on ser­vices that we take for grant­ed every day.   We sit in front of our TVs like we depend on them whether for enter­tain­ment, news, or some sad real­i­ty show that admit­ted­ly even I have got­ten sucked into from time to time.

It is clear to me I have a LONG way to go.  The sub­urbs, work, busi­ness trav­el all seem to get in the way of learn­ing and expand­ing my knowl­edge of these long for­got­ten home­steading skills.  I do have sev­er­al books on home­steading.  Some of them are in my elec­tron­ic sur­vival library, and some of them are in hard cov­er.  Two of which, I real­ly like are “Home­steading: A Back to Basics Guide to Grow­ing Your Own Food, Can­ning, Keep­ing Chick­ens, Gen­er­at­ing Your Own Ener­gy, Craft­ing, Herbal Med­i­cine, and More” and “Back to Basics: A Com­plete Guide to Tra­di­tion­al Skills, Third Edi­tion”  I do not rec­om­mend the Kin­dle edi­tions of these, as there are many images that you will lose col­or and res­o­lu­tion on that help to illus­trate the descrip­tions.