Sit­ting in LAX air­port, or any air­port for that mat­ter I enjoy catch­ing up with my pod­casts. To me the air­ports are “hur­ry up and wait” sit­u­a­tions that offer some much need­ed per­son­al down­time while I wait for the plane. For­tu­nate­ly, today as well, I have WiFi access on the plane and can write a blog post in real time.

Now for the meat and pota­toes. I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to lis­ten to The Sur­vival Pod­cast this morn­ing catch­ing up on two old episodes. How­ev­er, the one I would like to share with you is the one on “Core Con­cepts of Mod­ern Sur­vival­ism.”

I have lis­tened to sev­er­al sim­i­lar posts by Jack in the past, but this one applies to every­body. It applies to those espe­cial­ly in the sub­urbs that are of the sur­vival­ist mind­set.

Please enjoy the hour long pod­cast. It real­ly is worth lis­ten­ing to, even if you have heard it before.

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