Yes, I said every man, how­ev­er, I believe that many women should know these as well.  Espe­cial­ly if they are prep­pers or sur­vival­ist types.  Don’t get excit­ed, they are not all skills that require weld­ing or some­thing like that.  They are skills that just make sense to me, and I want­ed to share them with every­one.  For the record, I did not make this list up.  I found it on Pop­u­lar Mechan­ics Web­site, and it struck a chord with me.  The Pop­u­lar Mechan­ics Web­site has a pret­ty cool DIY sec­tion as well.  You should check out the DIY link here.  

So here is the list:

From Pop­u­lar Mechan­ics:


1. Han­dle a blowout
2. Dri­ve in snow
3. Check trou­ble codes
4. Replace fan belt
5. Wax a car
6. Con­quer an off-road obsta­cle
7. Use a stick welder
8. Hitch up a trail­er
9. Jump start a car

Handling Emergencies

10. Per­form the Heim­lich
11. Reverse hypother­mia
12. Per­form hands-only CPR
13. Escape a sink­ing car


14. Carve a turkey
15. Use a sewing machine
16. Put out a fire
17. Home brew beer
18. Remove blood­stains from fab­ric
19. Move heavy stuff
20. Grow food
21. Read an elec­tric meter
22. Shov­el the right way
23. Sol­der wire
24. Tape dry­wall
25. Split fire­wood
26. Replace a faucet wash­er
27. Mix con­crete
28. Paint a straight line
29. Use a French knife
30. Prune bush­es and small trees
31. Iron a shirt
32. Fix a toi­let tank flap­per
33. Change a sin­gle-pole switch
34. Fell a tree
35. Replace a bro­ken win­dow­pane
36. Set up a lad­der, safe­ly
37. Fix a faucet car­tridge
38. Sweat cop­per tub­ing
39. Change a dia­per
40. Grill with char­coal
41. Sew a but­ton on a shirt
42. Fold a flag

Medical Myths

43. Treat frost­bite
44. Treat a burn
45. Help a seizure vic­tim
46. Treat a snakebite
47. Remove a tick

Military Know-How

48. Shine shoes
49. Make a drum-tight bed
50. Drop and give the per­fect pushup


51. Run rapids in a canoe
52. Hang food in the wild
53. Skip­per a boat
54. Shoot straight
55. Tack­le steep drops on a moun­tain bike
56. Escape a rip cur­rent

Primitive Skills

57. Build a fire in the wilder­ness
58. Build a shel­ter
59. Find potable water

Surviving Extremes

60. Floods
61. Tor­na­dos
62. Cold
63. Heat
64. Light­ning

Teach Your Kids

65. Cast a line
66. Lend a hand
67. Change a tire
68. Throw a spi­ral
69. Fly a stunt kite
70. Dri­ve a stick shift
71. Par­al­lel park
72. Tie a bow­line
73. Tie a neck­tie
74. Whit­tle
75. Ride a bike


76. Install a graph­ics card
77. Take the per­fect por­trait
78. Cal­i­brate HDTV set­tings
79. Shoot a home movie
80. Ditch your hard dri­ve

Master Key Workshop Tools

81. Drill dri­ver
82. Grease gun
83. Coolant hydrom­e­ter
84. Sock­et wrench
85. Test light
86. Brick trow­el
87. Fram­ing ham­mer
88. Wood chis­el
89. Spade bit
90. Cir­cu­lar saw
91. Sledge ham­mer
92. Hack­saw
93. Torque wrench
94. Air wrench
95. Infrared ther­mome­ter
96. Sand blaster
97. Cross­cut saw
98. Hand plane
99. Mul­ti­me­ter
100. Feel­er gauges

Feel free to com­ment and add to this list with your own sug­ges­tions… I am sure they will be good ones.