So, while on the forum this morn­ing, I came across a post called “The $10.00 Jerky Mak­er.”  I am sure many of you have seen these card­board box jerky maker/driers in the past…  After my first skep­ti­cal look, I  was impressed with the sim­ple design of how the design­er built this, and even with a back­up bat­tery bank and solar set up, this looks like it would still work well.  Here is the link to the page, and the doc­u­ments for your use and design:

After look­ing at the design, I might line the box with alu­minum foil or insu­la­tion with the alu­minum foil like back­ing to keep the heat in the the box if it had to be used in an envi­ron­ment with low­er heat con­di­tions.

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