Suburbansurvival Blog
Survivalism & Disaster Preparedness
Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…

Car Preparedness, Part 5, Hygiene, Navigation, and Fire
Car Preparedness, Part 4, Food
Well, let’s see. Here are some of the foods I recommend you keep in your car kit. Some of these are personal preference, and some are what I keep min my car. First, however, I want to let you know I keep a minimum of two liters of water in my car kit as well as a…
Car Preparedness 3.1, A couple survival hunting and fishing videos
Squirrel Trap & Hobo-Fishing — Ray Mears Extreme Survival — BBC httpv:// Survival Fishing Pole (Part 1) httpv:// Basic Snare Traps for Small Game…
Car preparedness, Part 3, hunting and fishing gear for your car kit.
First, I need to preface this post with I condone poaching for sport. If you are poaching to poach, then you deserve to get what is coming to you. However, if you are in a SHTF situation, then hunting to live or to save your life is another story, laws or not. That…
Car preparedness 2.1, make a survival heater for your car in an emergency. Here is a separate PDF I found online illustrating how to build a survival heater for your car.
Car preparedness Part 2, The First Aid Kit
I always carry a first aid kit of some sort. Doesn’t matter where I go, camping, hiking, in the car, in my backpack. always. I have several of them depending on the activity I am engaging in depends on which one I have with me. If I am hiking, I carry a small one…
Car preparedness for the urban or suburban dweller
I wasn’t really sure how tittle this blog post this morning, so with luck I will be able to explain it in more detail to you. First, I am good for at least one flat tire a year in an area where I may or may not have cell coverage, love to go camping, but sometimes…
JWR’s post on the Survival Blog: A Practical, Full Spectrum Suburban Survival Plan
Here is a great article/blog post from James Wesley Rawles called A Practical, Full Spectrum Suburban Survival Plan. (This blog post is no longer available on
Two new books in my survival library
So I added two new books to my survival library this week. The first is “Primitive Skills and Crafts, An Outdoorsman’s Guide to Shelters, Tools, Weapons, Tracking, Survival, and More” It is to compliment my Back to Basics, and is paperback, so it is much more…