Suburbansurvival Blog
Survivalism & Disaster Preparedness
Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…

Going to Smoke a Turkey…
Well, I picked up a 12 pound turkey today. Looked up a brining recipe online, thawed it in water for about six or so hours, and now have it brining in the refrigerator for the next 48 hours. This is going to be an interesting experiment, as I need to get my smoker…
Food Prices at Walmart Are Out of Control
Eating Healthier for a Better Life
I just read a blog post on Doctor Prepper this morning ab0ut healthier eating. I try to eat healthy, but if you saw me eat on a business trip, you might think I was addicted to steaks or a junk food junkie. Sad but true. I can say that I probably gain a couple of…
Ah, Happy Day, Dave Canterbury’s Book, “The Pathfinder System, Survivability for the Common Man” Just Arrived
Well, the bonus factor for the day is, that Dave Canterbury’s book, “The Pathfinder System, Survivability for the Common Man” just arrived in the mail (working from home has its advantages). From the time I heard a snippet about Dave’s new book on the Survival Podcast…
Changes to the Suburban Survival Blog
Well, you no doubt have noticed a change in scenery here at the Suburban Survival Blog. I have updated the look and feel, several images, as well as the widget that allows people to post to social media sites to allow others to benefit from what I post here. This…
Top 100 Items to Disappear First in a SHTF
Well, this is an old list I just came across, and thought I would post it. I don’t agree with the order in which the list was created, but I am not sure that it was created in any special order either. Not to mention, I have no clue who created this list, just that…
1911 Boyscout Handbook
On last week, I found something I had been searching for a bit. It is the 1911 copy of the Boy Scout Handbook. Bart of Project Gutenberg, it is free for download, so I thought I would share. Boy Scouts Handbook
A Little More Food Storage — Stocking Up On Wheat Products
Well, I had every intention of picking up a bit more for my food storage, mainly flour in both whole wheat and white. Picked up a five pound bag of brown rice, canned chicken, two bags of dried chick peas, a bag of dried peas, and a few more items. Well, I forgot…
Utah Non-Resident Concealed Firearms Permit
Well, just walked through the door from my flight home from Los Angeles. Flipping through some mail from the week, and what do I see but a letter from the state of Utah. Opened it up and my non-resident, concealed firearms permit was in there with a letter stating I…