Suburbansurvival Blog
Survivalism & Disaster Preparedness
Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…

One Hour Meltdown and More. Thanks Survival Mom.
Thanks for scaring me to death… Not really… Back in January of 2010 The SurvivalMom published a post on “The One-Hour Meltdown.” I actually came across this last week for the first time. Not sure how I missed it, but, in trolling her blog, it popped up. She’s…
Kydex Sheath Information
I have a few knives that have nylon sheaths. I am really not happy with the nylon sheath. Besides keeping costs down, they breathe and allow the water to evaporate off the knife to prevent it from corroding. However, I am not really happy with a couple of them, and…
CCW State Reciprocity and Gun Laws
This is a pretty useful site I thought I would share. If you have a CCW in any one of the 50 states, just click on it, and a window will pop up with all the states that will allow you to carry with your state’s CCW. If you are interested in handgun…
Review of Ron Hood’s Urban Master Volume 1, The Home
After it sitting on my shelf of a couple of months, I slipped Ron Hood’s DVD on Urban Survival in the DVD player this weekend. In the first volume Ron discusses Urban Survival tactics for the following categories: Home Away from Home Threats to Your Person Urban…
Economically Challenged Television
While flipping though the channels this evening, I came across a show called “Downsized,” and ironically to me, it was on the We channel. So here is what the show is about; The Bruce family is strapped for cash and $300 short on rent. Fearing eviction, they spring…
Saturday Videos
Airsoft Training with Central Axis Relock — CAR System from Paul Castle httpv:// Canteens (Urban Survival) httpv:// Another Way To Use a Double Poncho Tent, and a Swiss Volcano Stove…
My “Get Home Bag” Replacement Contents.
Well, as many of you know, about a week ago or so my “Get Home Bag” from my truck was stolen from the parking lot where I had been parking my car for two plus years. In hind sight, I think it was my fault for assuming that there was ample security. Rather, I became…
Update On My Friend “Who Lost Everything” and Checked Into a Shelter
So, it’s been several weeks since I wrote a post about my friend who lost everything and is basically starting over from the negative. Today while at a conference in NYC, I had the opportunity to jump in a cab and go visit him. Three weeks ago he took a commission…
Lone Wolf or Survivalist Group?
As many of the readers know, I have joined a group for preparedness. I joined for a couple of reasons. First, as a “lone wolf” I was looking to connect with like minded people to hopefully teach and learn from them. The second reason I joined,…