Suburbansurvival Blog

Survivalism & Disaster Preparedness

Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia

After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slow­ly relaunch­ing it with all the old con­tent, and writ­ing new con­tent. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prep­ping, and recent­ly start­ed again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prep­per is now Mrs. Prep­per, and there’s the addi­tion of Baby Prep­per, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learn­ing from scratch…

Saturday Videos

Cus­tom Kydex by Camp­fire Talk httpv:// The Yan­kee Prep­per Inter­view httpv:// Urban vs. Sub­ur­ban Sur­vival httpv:// “Nav­i­gat­ing The Nut­n­fan­cy Project” by Nut­n­fan­cy …

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“The only thing we have to fear, is…

It appears that fear is the top­ic of the past few weeks. And to be frank, this is prob­a­bly the most impor­tant top­ic to face a prep­per. There are sev­er­al rea­sons: If you can make some­one afraid, you can manip­u­late and con­trol them. Fear is a nat­ur­al part of our…

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Pet Prepping

Awhile ago, I blogged that I was real­ly hav­ing a dif­fi­cult time prep­ping for my pets (one dog and two cats). This can be a major issue, espe­cial­ly if you have to go and quick­ly. This has made me think heav­i­ly about how I would ensure the sur­vival of my pets in a SHTF…

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Saturday Videos

SHTF Two Way Radio Test httpv:// Get Home Bag, a Back­pack­ers Per­spec­tive httpv:// Best Pop Can Alco­hol Stove httpv:// Hard­en­ing Your Home Defense…

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