Suburbansurvival Blog
Survivalism & Disaster Preparedness
Resources and Commentary on Prepping in Suburbia
After a year or so of the site being down, we’re slowly relaunching it with all the old content, and writing new content. It’s been well over a year since I’ve done any prepping, and recently started again. Updates over the last 18 months are, Ms. Prepper is now Mrs. Prepper, and there’s the addition of Baby Prepper, too… I feel like it’s all new again, and I’m learning from scratch…

BTB Part 2 — Food
Last week, I discussed water storage and what I my preparations are in this area. This post will discuss my food storage preps and how I approach the issue. This is a much more complex subject because everyone eats different food and will approach food preps in a…
Back to the Basics
I’ve been prepping for about 18 months now and have kind of lost the spark that drives me to keep going. I really have not done anything for the past two months other than listen to The Survival Podcast and some other “small” projects (subject of future posts). So, I…
SouthernPrepper1 on Suburban Security
This was sent to me by a friend, and if you have not seen it, I think it is worth it… I thought I would share. Suburban Security, Part One httpv://
Was “Doomsday Preppers” Necessary?
I watched it. I saved them on my DVR, and watched them. You watched them. We watched them. We critiqued each prepper based on what we have and know. Admit it. You secretly did. I know I did. As the scenario was laid out I said, “they need more water, they need…
Mosin-Nagant for the survivalist
I am a big fan of the Mosin-Nagant rifles. What can I say the commies knew how to make a great rifle, though this rifle was designed and in use before Lenin and company came to power. There are a few variants of the common Mosin-Nagant rifle that most people are…
Survival Heater for Your Car, My Test
I Forgot My EDC…
Test Cooking with Preps, Breakfast for Dinner, Part One
I like breakfast for dinner. I do. I have James Bond’s fetish for scrambled eggs. Give me scrambled eggs, an omelet, or frittata any day of the week and I am a happy guy. So, tonight, we make breakfast for dinner. I have picked up some tester / samples from…
A Flashlight Review, The HybridLight Company
I was recently contacted by The HybridLight Company. I traded emails with them for a day or two and asked them about a hybrid solar/battery powered flashlight they sell. Honestly, at first, I wasn’t that enthusiastic about reviewing a flashlight. Everyone has their…