by suburban | Dec 7, 2010 | Barter, Money, Precious Metals, Preparedness, Psychology, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Well, as it turns out, I have been able to save a little bit of cash recently. A few dollars back in savings, paid off a credit card (two to go), and can think about replenishing my reserve cash fund. Recently I wrote about having a reserve fund... Read more
by suburban | Nov 28, 2010 | Economy, Preparedness, Self Reliance
I have a friend that is a financial advisor and stock broker in the NYC area. I actually have a few of them, but last evening while we were out to dinner in NYC, he mentioned a couple of his predictions for our economy in the not to distant future.... Read more
by suburban | Jul 8, 2010 | Precious Metals, Uncategorized
SHTF Plan talks about whether or not Gold and Silver will save us if the Shit Hits the Fan. Interesting blog post to say the least and I found it interesting: Gold and Silver – Will They Protect... Read more