by shanethenurse | Jul 20, 2012 | Gear, Guns & Weapons, Hunting, Preparedness
As one of my previous articles shared, I love the Mosin ‑Nagant surplus rifles. The Mosin is not my only surplus rifle. I also have a good collection of Carl Gustavs Swedish Mausers in 6.5x55SE. I must confess theses are my favorite rifles. The 6.5x55SE is a... Read more
by ST | May 17, 2011 | Personal
Hunting in the forest or field for meat is a common theme in survival/prepping. Many preppers are already active sport hunters. Either as a supplement to limited commercial meat supplies or as the main or sole source of meat, the expectation to be able to... Read more
by ST | May 10, 2011 | Food, Gardening, Guest Posts, Self Reliance, Urban Survival
Every survival/prepping website and book has some section on growing your own food during a SHTF event. There are ads for seed companies showing a person pushing a shopping cart down isles of empty supermarket shelves and the caption reads... Read more
by suburban | Oct 7, 2010 | Cooking, Hunting, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Okay, I was in the car for about four hours today… I had some time to think… My mind started to wander, and the gears were spinning. I asked myself, if the S#!t has hit the fan while I was in Philadelphia, and I knew no one. If food supplies are low... Read more
by suburban | Jul 7, 2010 | Guns & Weapons, Hunting, Survival Gear, Survivalism
So a couple months ago I bought a Henry .22 Survival rifle. It is an interesting rifle that packs up into its own stock for storage. I’ve shot it a couple of times and have mixed feelings about it. It seems to do exactly what Henry said it... Read more