by suburban | Oct 14, 2013 | Economy, Government, Money, Politics, suburban survival, Urban Survival
Over the weekend you no doubt heard about the EBT outage that bright the system to a halt. If you don’t know what EBT is, it means “Electronic Benefits Transfer” and is the electronic version of the “Food Stamp Program.” So, this means... Read more
by suburban | Jun 29, 2013 | Economy, Money
It has been argued by those in the prepper and survival community that because nickels (pre-2011ish) contain 75% copper and 25 % nickel will appreciate with inflation and/or precious metals. It’s been said that the price of the nickel... Read more
by suburban | Feb 27, 2013 | Economy, Precious Metals, Preparedness
As I can afford to do it, I have been buying silver. Mostly silver rounds. I have a small stash of silver rounds primarily in hopes of hedging my bets against economic downturn or to hopefully capitalize on rising prices at some juncture,... Read more
by suburban | Aug 21, 2012 | Barter, Currency, Economy, Money, Preparedness, suburban survival, Urban Survival
On the ride home from my boss’s office on Monday evening this week, I was thinking about the economy, and the ramifications of economic collapse. I thought about how it would effect where I live in NJ today, and I thought about how it might effect my... Read more
by suburban | Jan 13, 2012 | Economy, Personal
Honestly, I have not been motivated to write recently. I feel like work is consuming my life over the past several months. Being in sales I am not surprised, but I feel like I am working harder longer hours for smaller rewards. The... Read more