JWR’s blog, this morn­ing has a good post on Prac­ti­cal and Afford­able Prep­ping, that I think is worth the read.  Here is a snip­pet and the link.

The pur­pose of this sub­mis­sion is to estab­lish that we all have real lives to lead while we remain vig­i­lant about all pos­si­bil­i­ties, most of which oth­ers choose to pre­tend away.  Mon­ey is not unlim­it­ed, and we have fam­i­lies and a life to lead.   These things should not be sac­ri­ficed or squan­dered  because we’re too cap­ti­vat­ed by a sin­gle, or favorite, sur­vival sce­nario.  We need to be build­ing hap­py lives and mem­o­ries with our fam­i­lies, chil­dren, and their chil­dren, even as we remain ready for what we hope won’t hap­pen, and may not hap­pen.

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