Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

My gun show observations

Over the years, I’ve been to a num­ber of gun shows so I have a rather edu­cat­ed opin­ion on what to expect for sale and who will be in atten­dance.  Odd­ly enough, regard­less of loca­tion through­out the nation, shows like this are almost always pre­dictable and indica­tive…

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A potential security issue with Iphones

A potential security issue with Iphones

I found out some­thing recent­ly com­plete­ly by acci­dent… but real­ized imme­di­ate­ly the impli­ca­tions it has for peo­ples secu­ri­ty is quite dis­turb­ing.  I was look­ing at old­er pics in my Iphone, while on the albums page I pressed the “pho­tos” but­ton in the low­er left hand…

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