Suburban Survival Blog | A Survival and Preparedness Website and Blog

Saturday Videos

Exec­u­tive Order 13575 “RURAL COUNCILS” httpv:// World Econ­o­my Col­lapse Explained in Three Min­utes httpv:// Preps of the Week httpv:// North­face Recon Review…

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Prepper Envy

As a each of us go through our prepa­ra­tions for the SHTF or TEOTWAWKI, you may come across peo­ple who have achieved a lev­el of pre­pared­ness most of only dream of. That is, they have a ful­ly stocked bomb shel­ter in a rur­al loca­tion with 20 years of food, water, fuel,…

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Learn To Read A Map!!

This is as much an arti­cle as a rant. I can’t believe how many peo­ple can­not fol­low sim­ple trav­el direc­tions or read a basic road map! I’m not talk­ing about a topog­ra­phy or geo sur­vey map. Not even a marine chart. Just a basic road map. Nor am I refer­ring to cryp­tic…

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Saturday Videos

The Day the Dol­lar Died httpv:// Indi­vid­ual First Aid Kit — A Must Have in a SHTF httpv:// The ABC’s of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions httpv:// Going to the Field, Hygiene, Part…

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The Food I Buy Is Changing, a Lot.

The Food I Buy Is Changing, a Lot.

It is evi­dent.  My last few trips to the gro­cery store have yield­ed what I believe what oth­ers have been talk­ing about now for some time.  But to me it is visu­al­ly notice­able.  I know this because I am a crea­ture of habit.  Being a sin­gle guy, I gen­er­al­ly pur­chase the…

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